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Exercising Values


Time Management is Time Well Spent exercise goals inspiration mental health selfcare time management

It is so important to figure out how to spend our time. People are more important than projects but sometimes our projects are the way we support our families. In business you "only get paid for done" but with your family you get rewarded for doing, for being there. The key is keeping...

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It's OK to Take Care of Yourself children exercise fitness health moms parenting selfcare values working moms

Many busy moms will let their appearance and fitness slide in the effort to take care of everyone else. With a little creativity you can take care of yourself while also providing a program that builds health, character, and even exposure to great literature for your children....

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Teamwork Works children encouragement exercise family health sports support teamwork

I got my debut as a coach when I was a senior in college at Stanford. That's not the cheapest place to get an education so I worked several jobs. One that I remember quite fondly was nanny to a fourth and second grader, Jennifer and Michael. Jennifer was thoughtful, even wise if a ten-year old...

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Finding Your Reason for Fat Loss build muscle exercise fat loss goals weight loss

A personal trainer can help you with the how of fat loss by designing a program that fits your abilities, time constraints, and other limitations. They'll try to make your sessions as enjoyable as possible. But one of the keys to success must come from you. It involves finding your reason for...

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Good Intentions and Fat Loss diet exercise fat loss nutrition values weight loss

You've seen the title so let me say right off the bat that good intentions are not enough when it comes to fat loss. You absolutely must take consistent action. That said, I'm speaking to you about this on the day after what is known to be the second most calorie filled day in the U.S.


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