Finding Your Reason for Fat Loss
A personal trainer can help you with the how of fat loss by designing a program that fits your abilities, time constraints, and other limitations. They'll try to make your sessions as enjoyable as possible. But one of the keys to success must come from you. It involves finding your reason for losing fat and getting in shape. It has to do with knowing exactly what you expect will be better in your life once you lose the weight.
Truthfulness is essential with this step. It is after all a private matter. You don't have to tell anyone. If you want to be able to wear a certain style, play with your kids or grandkids, get noticed by someone, or any other goal that means something to you then nurture that desire by remembering it when you are facing difficult choices or temptations. Link your desires with the actions it takes to make those desires a reality.
Right now take just a minute to take some deep breaths and talk to yourself about your goals and what you know it will take to reach them. As you relax and breathe let the picture of what you are hoping for form clearly in your mind. Sense yourself relaxing as you inwardly confirm the validity of this goal. That's it. You have your compelling reason.
One of my clients realized that she wished she could water ski again. It has been decades since she has done so. The energy and enthusiasm she puts into her workouts since doing this has been amazing. Now that she knows why the how is much easier to accept. Another client wants to ride horses. The list goes on and on. Trainers know the power of an upcoming reunion or wedding to motivate but we all have less obvious special moments we want to have in our futures. Find yours and you'll see what I mean.
If you want to share your reason or give any other feedback please leave your comments.
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