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Good Intentions and Fat Loss

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You've seen the title so let me say right off the bat that good intentions are not enough when it comes to fat loss. You absolutely must take consistent action. That said, I'm speaking to you about this on the day after what is known to be the second most calorie filled day in the U.S.

Thanksgiving is first but Super Bowl Sunday also has the distinction of being a day of consuming calories in a form particularly detrimental to weight loss. The liquids consumed during the Super Bowl may also have something to do with about 6% of the work force calling in sick the Monday after.

So that's why we are talking about good intentions. If you planned on throwing out your fat-loss plans for a day in order to enjoy the party then great. Your mission today is simply to get back to the lean lifestyle and don't waste any time with guilt or regret. In the world of weight loss it may take you two days to recover from the one but you will start losing again.

If, on the other hand, you had planned to eat less than you did well great again. Now you have a perfect case example to analyze to see why you chose to change your mind and indulge. If you know why you can take steps to prevent it from happening next time. Again you start over and in about two days you'll be losing once more.

It may help to know that some nutritionists recommend an occasional day of increased consumption to prevent your metabolism from slowing down through constant calorie restriction. No matter what you ate or drank yesterday nothing has been permanently lost. You can eat wisely today and tomorrow and the day after that. All or nothing thinking is what leads people to finish the package of cookies rather than just eating two. All or nothing thinking is the enemy of fat loss.

Today is Groundhogs Day where we look to see if there will be six more weeks of winter. Decide right now that the next six weeks will see you making wise choices in what you eat and drink and in how consistent you are with exercise. Turn those good intentions into results. Forget about yesterday and every day like it and instead know that in six weeks you can make a difference. Later this week we will hear from a leading authority on transformations. He's agreed to answer all your weight loss questions over the next few weeks.

That was a great game. Don't be sorry you enjoyed it. As the fit lifestyle becomes more a part of your regular choices you will be able to enjoy these special days without giving it a second thought. Most people give up on their New Year's resolutions about now. Don't let that be you. There is still plenty of time to get lean for spring and summer.

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About the Author

Pamela Davenport


For decades I have helped countless parents and their children overcome significant obstacles. My unique accomplishments in the fields of child development, health, and fitness have given me an unparalleled perspective and expertise that I would love to share with you.

  • Award-Winning Author and Parenting Coach
  • Mother of six and grandmother of five
  • Studied Juvenile Justice at Stanford University
  • Master’s degree in Social Work
  • Experienced family counselor
  • Support group leader for struggling parents
  • Taught health at the university level
  • Program manager for the personal training programs at two colleges
  • Personal Trainer helping people lose 5lb-100lb+
  • Two-time Ironman Triathlete and competing member of team USA
  •  UMB Lifetime Sportswoman Award 2017