Exercising Values
He had to have been tired as he pulled into the drive way but there I was waiting. I was about eight years old at the time and I'd have a softball or a football in my hand. As soon as his foot hit the pavement and the car door closed behind him I tossed him the ball. As far as I could ever...
Many busy moms will let their appearance and fitness slide in the effort to take care of everyone else. With a little creativity you can take care of yourself while also providing a program that builds health, character, and even exposure to great literature for your children....
When I was a student at Stanford University oh so many years ago I wrote a paper for a broadcast communications class on violence on television. I remember it because it was one of the first papers I wrote while there and I wondered how I would do in this new environment. The professor gave...
I spent Monday in a courtroom, in the jury box, waiting to see if I would serve. The case involved a young man of 22 who was being tried for a crime he committed several years ago. Straight out of college I used to work with juvenile felons . I tried to help them find their way to a different...
You've seen the title so let me say right off the bat that good intentions are not enough when it comes to fat loss. You absolutely must take consistent action. That said, I'm speaking to you about this on the day after what is known to be the second most calorie filled day in the U.S.