Memorable Moments Are Teachable MomentsValues
He had to have been tired as he pulled into the drive way but there I was waiting. I was about eight years old at the time and I'd have a softball or a football in my hand. As soon as his foot hit the pavement and the car door closed behind him I tossed him the ball. As far as I could ever tell, he enjoyed these brief moments before dinner as much as I did.
How about you? Can you recall the times your parents tossed a ball or played a game with you? If so, then you may begin to realize the power of using brief moments of playful activity to introduce important concepts you want your child to remember. Take a memorable moment and make it a teachable moment.
I know it's Mother's Day but I'm thinking about fathers at the moment having just watched I Am Sam with two of my daughters. I can't think of any movie more likely to make me cry. It provokes a lot of thought about what it really takes to be a good parent. Love covers a multitude os sins. Children who are rock solid about their parent's love for them will be charitable about much of the rest. Children who doubt they have their parent's love may spend the rest of their life trying to fill that hole.
I want to honor my mother's memory today and to wish any mother reading this the best of holidays today. God set the solidarity in families. Family life is a haven from many outside pressures. I hope you can take a break today and enjoy the ones you call family. I hope you can recall a memory of your mom or dad that makes you smile. Happy Mother's Day.
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