Exercising Values
Just before I left for Cycle Oregon a few weeks ago, I bought my grandson his first bike for his second birthday. No, not a trike, a real bike. His feet don't touch the pedals but when there is no one around to push him, he'll just contentedly sit on it. I was hoping that he was dreaming of the...
Do you remember counting things down as a kid? You know, eight days till Christmas, four weeks until schools out, 364 days until my next birthday.
I bring this up because my son, Skyler, leaves for Pepperdine University in five days. In some ways it is filled with the excitement of Christmas,...
He had to have been tired as he pulled into the drive way but there I was waiting. I was about eight years old at the time and I'd have a softball or a football in my hand. As soon as his foot hit the pavement and the car door closed behind him I tossed him the ball. As far as I could ever...
I got my debut as a coach when I was a senior in college at Stanford. That's not the cheapest place to get an education so I worked several jobs. One that I remember quite fondly was nanny to a fourth and second grader, Jennifer and Michael. Jennifer was thoughtful, even wise if a ten-year old...
When I was a student at Stanford University oh so many years ago I wrote a paper for a broadcast communications class on violence on television. I remember it because it was one of the first papers I wrote while there and I wondered how I would do in this new environment. The professor gave...