A Boy, a Bike, and a Dream
Just before I left for Cycle Oregon a few weeks ago, I bought my grandson his first bike for his second birthday. No, not a trike, a real bike. His feet don't touch the pedals but when there is no one around to push him, he'll just contentedly sit on it. I was hoping that he was dreaming of the open roads I'd like to take him on someday; but my daughter pointed out to me that the only bike he really knows about is his dad's motorcycle. So who knows what he's dreaming that little bike can do.
The idea of sharing something you really love to do with someone you love has great appeal. Part of the allure of Cycle Oregon and the other rides like it are the friends you make and the group comaraderie that unfolds. It is possible to create something similar in your own home, with your own children. That's part of the premise behind the Exercising Values program. Sharing exercise with our children helps to instill a life long love of exercise and family time. Just investing a few minutes a day to consistently reinforce health and good character may leave an impact that lasts generations.
The Exercising Values book will be available on-line very soon to help you do this in a safe and effective way. Plant a dream in a child's heart, reinforce it in a loving way, and you might just change the world.
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