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Exercising Values


Age, Gender and Variability in Results aging build muscle guest posts personal training weight loss

Guest Post by Vince DelMonte

Vince DelMonte has kindly agreed to do a couple guest blogs in order to help all of us understand how our individual differences effect our attempts to lose fat and gain muscle. In particular he is addressing the Heritage College personal training students as they put...

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An INSANELY EFFECTIVE Abdominal Exercise That Leaves You Crawling... Literally! build muscle exercises guest posts personal training

Guest Post by Nick Nilsson

Looking for an abominal exercise that will TRASH your entire core in a way you've NEVER experienced before? This one will do it... it's an exercise that hits not only your core but your shoulders, back and chest as well!

I have to say, this is one of THE strangest...

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Finding Your Reason for Fat Loss build muscle exercise fat loss goals weight loss

A personal trainer can help you with the how of fat loss by designing a program that fits your abilities, time constraints, and other limitations. They'll try to make your sessions as enjoyable as possible. But one of the keys to success must come from you. It involves finding your reason for...

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Fat Loss Information You Can Trust build muscle exercise fat loss values

One of the great things about writing Exercising Values is that it has put me in touch with some of the most dedicated personal trainers and health and fitness professionals at work around the world. If anything, most of us are bombarded with too much information that often contradicts the last...

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