Fat Loss Information You Can Trust
One of the great things about writing Exercising Values is that it has put me in touch with some of the most dedicated personal trainers and health and fitness professionals at work around the world. If anything, most of us are bombarded with too much information that often contradicts the last thing you learned. So I've decided to pass on to you some of the people I trust for fitness information. Today I'll introduce you to Jon Benson. I like Jon because he's not afraid to tell you what has worked for him even if others can't figure out how he does t. I also like him because he has faced some of the same obstacles I have such as low-thyroid and age-related changes. Now he hasn't produced six kids so I'm sure there are things he doesn't know first hand but anyone over forty who sports a six-pack has to know something about what works. But I'll let you judge for yourself as I'm passing on an e-mail he recently sent me. Let me know what you think, okay?
How to Gain Muscle and Burn
Bodyfat At The Same Time
by Jon Benson
What is your "big dream?"
I have two:
to make an impact on the lives of 10,000
to have a family that's mobile so I can live in many places
Not bad, right?
Want to know a third dream of mine? One I saw become a reality a few years ago?
To gain muscle AND burn bodyfat all at the same time.
It's like a pipe dream that somehow worked its way through the pipes and into my gym.
It's not easy, granted, but you can do it.
Almost anyone can do it.
You just have to train and eat in a very specific way.
Listen: you do NOT want to just "burn bodyfat" or god-forbid "lose weight"...that will not give you the body you want.
You absolutely MUST shape your muscles, tighten and tone, and burn bodyfat.
And you can do it at the same time.
Most pros disagree with me. They think it is metabolically impossible to gain muscle while in a state of low-calorie dieting.
They are wrong.
Here's an article I wrote on this topic. I hope you enjoy it.
To save you time I also put a link to the online complete version at the bottom of the page
I remember a friendly argument with my co-author of Fit Over Forty, Tom Venuto. It all started when I told Tom how I was eating and training for my last peak. A peak is where you lower your bodyfat and try to maintain as much muscle mass as possible.
"There's just no way I could ever get in shape eating and training like that," says Tom. "Sure you could man...what are you a mutant?" Tom fires back, then me,then Tom...and so it goes.
(I really didn't call Tom a mutant. That was creative liberty.)
So why are so many fitness pros like Tom freaked out about my training and nutrition plan? Simple: I claim it burns fat and builds muscle at the same time. Every time I read an article by some doctor or expert claiming it's "biologically impossible" to gain lean muscle mass on a hypo-caloric diet (a diet low in calories) I just laugh.
I do more than make claims- I have proved this to be true many times. I've had my bodyfat hydrostatically measured during several peaks. In all but one I've showed an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in bodyfat during a 12-16 week period. The one time I didn't show an increase in muscle mass was when I was training the most in the gym. That may not make much sense now, but it will in a moment.
Article continues here.
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