Exercising Values
Just before I left for Cycle Oregon a few weeks ago, I bought my grandson his first bike for his second birthday. No, not a trike, a real bike. His feet don't touch the pedals but when there is no one around to push him, he'll just contentedly sit on it. I was hoping that he was dreaming of the...
I'm happily living vicariously through my son who got up for the first time on a surf board today. I was raised on Gidget movies and always thought I'd surf someday but never got around to it. So I'm thrilled to think of him riding his first wave in. While he was doing that I was watching my...
I got my debut as a coach when I was a senior in college at Stanford. That's not the cheapest place to get an education so I worked several jobs. One that I remember quite fondly was nanny to a fourth and second grader, Jennifer and Michael. Jennifer was thoughtful, even wise if a ten-year old...
Did you have to be in your own yard when the street lights came on? Well, I did. It was that almost forgotten era when instead of being driven to practice like my own children were and still are; we would simply slip away from the dinner table and take over a corner of...
I taught two fitness classes in the early am today. As I'm shuffling myself from a cycle to yoga it begins to pour. At that moment, I notice that my seat belt isn't fastened and as always I think of my mother, who didn't believe in seat belts and refused to wear them; during my impressionable...