It’s a challenge to raise kids who believe in themselves and will work hard to make their dreams come true. Watch this short video to learn the "3 Pillars of Child Development" and the secret combination that brings it all together.
Pamela Davenport MSW, CPT dives deep into the 10 Key Components to Ensure Your Child's Future Success. Full of ideas you can implement with your children today and start seeing immediate results.
The award winning book Exercising Values - Happy, Healthy, Kind, and Considerate Kids in 15 Minutes a Day is your guide for accomplishing important fitness and character goals for your entire family using character workouts.
The complete program features an entire year of Character Workouts, videos, audio recordings, and so much more! All designed to help you raise happy, healthy, well-behaved children while bringing the joy back into parenting.
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Written by Fitness and Family Expert Pamela Davenport.
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