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Exercising Values


Instilling Good Habits Means Overcoming Our Own Bad Habits character children family habits nutrition parenting values weight loss

A bad habit would never have become a habit at all if it didn't provide some benefit,relief or good feeling. Recently, the 2010 Dietary recommendations from the U.S. government urged parents not to allow their children to eat in front of the television set. A young mom recently told me that she...

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3 Actions You Can Take Today to Lose Weight, Get In Shape, and Help your Children to Do the Same character children diet exercise fat loss fitness parenting values weight loss

In today’s blog I’d like to help you get a plan for improving your health, losing weight, and helping your children to do the same. I have three practical suggestions for you as well as some guidelines for getting started.

I’m in a wonderful season of life where I am able to...

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5 Easy Ways to Insure your Child's Success in School character children education goals habits inspiration parenting support values working moms

Whether your child is home schooled or in public or private school I'm sure you are very concerned that they learn, grow and thrive. Here are five strategies to help you achieve that goal.

1. EXERCISE - Neuroscientists study the impact of exercise within brain cells. It is already...

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6 Important Ways to Promote Life Long Health and Fitness character diet exercise goals health parenting

I can remember my mom saying she just wanted to live long enough to see all of her three children reach adulthood. But while I was in college something came along to change that game plan. It was Seth, the first of her twelve grandchildren. She did live to see all of these children born. A...

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How Exercise Helps Children Learn character exercises values weight loss

Physically fit children have an easier time learning. Research shows that they concentrate better, identify visual stimuli faster, and can apply more of their cognitive resources to a task for a longer period of time than sedentary children can. They pay more attention after a period of exercise....

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