Exercising Values
It's back to school time and every parent is hoping for a successful year for their child. If they go away to school they have the adjustment of spending more time with peers and less with family. If they home educate, they are looking for opportunities to continue building friendships while...
Naturally, you want everything to be perfect when you experience the birth of your first child. I remember that one restriction I asked my medical team to honor was to not give my baby any sugar water. I remember waking up and seeing the nurse doing exactly that. I came alert quickly and asked...
I'm not sure who the average person is or how the experts come up with these numbers; but the estimates are that the average person just put on a couple pounds over the long holiday weekend and that by New Years Day this average person will weigh an extra 5-12 pounds, five of which will...
Leonardo da Vinci is credited with saying, "Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgement will be surer." It's the weekend and a genius has just given you permission to goof off a little bit. Our minds and bodies need rest to perform at...
In my office at Heritage College, I have a volume as thick as Ulysses and War and Peace combined. In it are the early research findings used by the USDA to formulate the new dietary recommendations that were released last January. A few easy to understand guidelines have been distilled from the...