Exercising Values
"Rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep."
What a joy it is to have friends who will be genuinely glad for you when something goes your way. It is even more valuable when they can share your sorrows and losses. Nothing seems as bad when you have someone to talk to about it...
My son asked me the other day how I am able to accept rejection when I offer a class or a service as part of my business and no one shows up or responds. Every entrepreneur knows that this is always a possibility and a deep belief in your product and services will help you to be patient while the...
It is very common for people to reassess their lives around New year's Day. After basking in the love and appreciation shown on Mother's Day, I propose that moms everywhere use it as an opportunity to reflect on their parenting and to identify any special needs their children might have....
It's been said that there are three versions of a person: who they see themselves as, how others see them and who they really are. It can be hard to see ourselves sometimes. Today, I was talking shop with a fellow personal trainer at Heritage College where I teach and he asked me if I was...
Two words that light up the face of a child and can instill panic in busy parents: SNOW DAY! All across parts of the U.S., schools are closed due to snowy, icey weather. Remembering the joy that such a surprise can be for children, in our home school we always had the tradition of calling...