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Exercising Values

Happy, Healthy, Kind, & Considerate Kids

5 Principals to Success in Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

exercise fat loss goals muscle gain values weight loss

What does it really take to be successful in fat loss or in transforming your appearance through gaining muscle? When I reflect over my most successful clients a few common characteristics stand out. Maybe this list will help you reflect on whether or not you are ready to do what it takes to get the body you dream of having.

These success stories did these five things:

1. They told themselves the truth about why they wanted to make a change. It would be great if preventing future disease did it for everyone but if the reason you want to lose that roll around the middle is to have a chance with the cute brunette then that is the goal you need to focus on.

Maybe you should have more than a vague unease about the state of your health but if you don't thinking about your health won't help you through the temptation to skip a workout or grab something unhealthy to eat. Besides you don't have to tell anyone else. Just be clear in your own mind what it is you are hoping to gain by making a change.

2. They were focused on consistent action to meet their goals. They prioritized them by scheduling workouts and planning meals. They worked within a time frame such as ten or twelve weeks not someday when I get around to it and my life is simple and easy and all the fast food restaurants in town have closed down.

3. They sought expert help. I ply my trade as a one-on one personal trainer and sometimes as a group instructor but I also recognize that we are living in an information age and there are many ways besides personal contact to get good information on health and fitness. I wrote an e-book called Exercising Values to help families with young children establish excellent physical fitness as well as excellent character. In the weeks ahead I'll be intoducing you to a variety of trainers who specialize in fat loss, muscle-building, athletic training, nutrition, motivation and more.

4. They made adjustments along the way. This is where a personal trainer will truly give you an edge. They can help you recognize a plateau or when you are over or under training. They can show you how to safely execute movements, correct posture, and so much more. For example, I once had a client who was trying to build muscle and his shoulders always lagged behind the progress he made on the rest of his body. His instinct was to train them harder. I was able to show him that for whatever reason his shoulders recovered slower than the rest of his body and what he actually needed was to rest them more and train them less often. With this slight adjustment he soon had an amazing physique.

5. They stuck with it. They gave up two things: exceptions and excuses. Day in and day out they forged ahead. They weren't always perfect but they quickly got back on their program and didn't let one slip change their determined plan.

There is a group of people who are endeavoring to be successful at a ten week
transformation.Today marks day one of the Heritage College Transformation contest. Participants have had their blood pressure and height and weight taken and they've filled out some information on their health, habits and goals. They have met their student trainer many of whom are training their very first client under the supervision of their instructors.

Some of the most respected trainers from around the world have agreed to support this new program by being willing to answer questions posted by both the participants and the students right here on this blog. And, of course, all of my readers are also encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to interact with some of the most knowledgeable trainers around. I'd also like to point out that these trainers normally command a sizeable fee for their consultations but are donating their time to help new trainers be successful with their first clients. So ask away. Ask any weight loss or fitness question you have and in the weeks ahead check back to hear their answers.

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About the Author

Pamela Davenport


For decades I have helped countless parents and their children overcome significant obstacles. My unique accomplishments in the fields of child development, health, and fitness have given me an unparalleled perspective and expertise that I would love to share with you.

  • Award-Winning Author and Parenting Coach
  • Mother of six and grandmother of five
  • Studied Juvenile Justice at Stanford University
  • Master’s degree in Social Work
  • Experienced family counselor
  • Support group leader for struggling parents
  • Taught health at the university level
  • Program manager for the personal training programs at two colleges
  • Personal Trainer helping people lose 5lb-100lb+
  • Two-time Ironman Triathlete and competing member of team USA
  •  UMB Lifetime Sportswoman Award 2017